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时间:2018-09-02 16:39:56  作者:报名电话15500007357  来源:吉林省学位网  查看:1718  评论:0

Passage Two
    The comfort zone is our living; work, and social environments that we have grown accustomed t.o. It determir~es
    Note if the comfort zone we are seeking is beyond our current income, then, we need to develop a servic~: tha.t
has greater value than our current one. Money, power and influence are not goals; they are rewards onay for persor~al
16.  As one grows older,____. A.  one's comfort zone becomes narrower
17.  What does "be discontent with our current comfort zone" (Para. 3) mean?  D.   Be dissatisfied with our present lifc.
18.  According to the author, daydreaming  _  C.   prepares us for meaningful changes in life
19.  It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 tha B.  comfort zone is not necessarily positrvc
 20.  By seeking a better comfort zone, people aim t.o  . A.  make greater achievements
Passage Three
    Entire cultures operate on elaborate systems of indirectness. For examp!e, it is discovered in a  small researchproject that most Greeks assumed that a wife who asked, "Would you like to go to the pa:rty;"' was :hinting that she
    over rice-as the last course of a luxurious meal. Befu was not surprised by the feast, because he knew that custom required it. Had he been given what he asked for, he would have been insulted. But custom also required that he make a great show ofbeing surprised.
21.  According to Paragraph l, Greeks believe that womenC.   carefully weave their wishes into questions
22.  On receiving a lunch invitation, Befu first has to D.  judge whether the in~itatiori is .serious
23.  Why would Befu ask for tea over rice? A.   To be polite by making things easy. 
24.  Which ofthe following statements is true? B.  It would be impolite to serve a simple lunch.
25.  What is the main idea ofthe passage'?  B.  Indirectness is evident in many cultures.

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